According to an elite relationship psychologist at Berkeley International, men are from Mars while women are from Venus. And especially in dating, this stands true.
When questions like what they look for in their partner or their feelings about dating arise, it’s apparent that the two genders think differently. Here are some of the ways they think and act differently in dating and some dating takeaways.
1. Naturally, Women Overanalyze
Most women are likely to overanalyze the slightest remark their date makes. They will critically assess the tone on the other end, the time it takes to reply to a message, or even how he says goodbye before switching off.
Men, on the other hand, may not be as critical. Psychologists advise calling or picking a call instead of texting back and forth; a phone call always has more clarity.
2. Women tell how the Date Went
A lady can’t wait to tell her close circle of friends about how the date went. They will go into the details and maybe spare only a few private ones. Men are likely to remember brief moments in the date, and they probably tell the briefs after the date.
If the date goes as well as the girls expected, she is likely to show off. But if it all goes wrong, they will likely seek validation as him being the issue and not her. It’s no doubt that men like to show off a beautiful date, but not many are willing to share their intimate details with their friends.
3. She Wants the Man to Take the Lead
While most women want equality in a relationship, they secretly wish the man is assertive, speak boldly, and lead the way. To avoid disappointment, relationship experts advise men to be sure of the type of woman they are after.
Does she like chilling at the bar, pub, or some laid back place such as a cocktail bar? Knowing all this before the date will make it easier to suggest the perfect location to impress your date.
4. Women Always Want a Second Date
That’s if the date evening goes well. As women are more anxious during the date than men, it’s more reasonable that the man should be the one to suggest a second date right after the first. If the guy delays or fails to do it entirely, the lady might conclude that he didn’t like her and switch off emotionally.
The man usually tries to play it cool, trying not to appear too eager to plan for a second date so soon.
The culture of online dating has its downsides too.
First, it makes you picky and judgmental. The Association for Psychological Science reports that reviewing multiple candidates can make you inclined to accept the “perfect candidate” while dismissing the “not-quite-perfect candidates.”
And thanks to social media, there are many misconceptions about how a perfect man or woman should look, wear, or talk. Even before a face-to-face meeting, some men and women looking for potential matches may already have a preconceived bias.
Some Relationships Last, Some Don’t
At least 5% of Americans in a marriage or committed relationship are happy they met online. That’s optimistic, considering most relationships start by meeting in person.
Research by Michigan State University shows relationships that start online are 28% more likely to go south than personal encounters. Even worse, the former are three times more likely to divorce than the latter.
However, if you’re new to the world of online dating and phone chat lines, it’s best to cross your fingers and stay positive.
Tips to Make the Most out of Your Dating Experience
A few subtleties can help you have the ultimate experience while dating online. These are just a few.
Choose a Reliable Service
To get the best experience, the chat line of your choice needs to cover a large geographical area, have a lot of users, and an encrypted connection for secure payments. Some of the best chat lines are Livelinks and Quest Chat.
Show Off on Your Profile
People are attracted to energy, and your potential match will look out for your sense of fashion or sense of humor.
Be Open-minded
Just because you don’t have mutual hobbies or your match is not in the career you prefer, it’s not a reason to dismiss them yet. You might discover that you like their personality after a few interactions.
It’s the Simple Things that make Your Relationship Work.
When it comes to a relationship, you will both have to do some things the old-fashioned way. Harry Reis, Ph.D. and Dean’s Professor in Arts, Sciences and Eng., University of Rochester, insists that there’s much about a person that you can’t learn from a dating site profile.
You need to enjoy each other’s company, make each other laugh, communicate, and most importantly, feel like a better person while in the company of your date.
Reis notes that when these simple principles are incorporated, they are better predictors of relationship success.