Phone Dating Advice and Best Practices

There are a few advantages to using a dating chatline in a world where everyone seems to be extremely shallow. Meeting people on party lines gives you a glimpse of their personality, and most services offer a free trial so you can join at your own convenience.
Making Friends (and More) on a Chatline
When done correctly, you can meet new friends, find a quick fling or even find that special someone. You can also maximize your chances of catching someone’s attention by creating a very interesting profile for others to browse. The first thing you need to do is record an alluring introduction so people want to stop and listen. You should remember to actually greet the other people on the line with a “hello” or “hey, ladies,”. You should also come up with a creative name for yourself, because people are more likely to reply to a cute pet name than they are to ‘Jim’ or ‘Karen’. A nickname also helps you to be discreet as you sift through the many profiles. Just like you wouldn’t want to disclose your address to everyone, you should also keep your real name to yourself.
Put Your Best Voice Forward
A lot of people make the mistake of trying to sound too sexy when they record their initial greetings. It’s best to just speak in your regular voice so people aren’t surprised if you actually get to chat live with them. It can be difficult to keep up the enhanced tone when you hold a prolonged conversation. Remember to speak clearly and use a lively, friendly tone. You should also remember to either state the date or mention a recent current event that will give the others an idea of when the message was recorded. You should be honest about exactly what it is you’re looking for. If you’re only interested in friends with benefits, you should be discreet about it. However, you must choose your words wisely if you’re not looking for a relationship. “I’m looking for someone with whom I can spend some alone time.” lets listeners know that you’re looking to be alone with them. This message establishes that you’re not looking for marriage, and you’re not looking for a chat buddy. It also increases the chances that your message will reach the ears of like minded people. Those interested in a long-term relationship can bypass the message instead of you wasting each others’ time. Your greeting is the most important part of your profile so you’ll want to spend some time preparing it.
Practice Makes a Perfect Greeting
It’s important to remember that the other members of the line can’t see you. Therefore, the ideal greeting will describe your physical appearance. You can give details such as your hair and eye color, your height, weight and race. You can also give a vague description of yourself such as “I’m athletically built,” or “I’m curvy in all the right places.” It’s best to mention your age or at least mention the age group in which you’re interested in meeting. It’s alright to give a general idea about your location (such as your side of town) but never mention your street address. You should actually write down the greeting and rehearse it until it’s perfect. It’s alright to have a friend critique your greeting before you record it, but make sure the words reflect how you’re really feeling.
You should also keep your message short enough to keep people interested. Keep them wanting more and they’ll be more likely to reply to your greeting. Most chatlines have a time limit on greetings, but you rarely want to take up more than 45 seconds. If you do, you’re probably disclosing too much information or you’re repeating yourself. Remember not to mention your job or anything else negative in your message. People are calling the line looking for a good time, and they don’t want to bother with someone negative. You should keep your vibe light, and remember the theme of the line you’re calling. If you’re calling an urban chatline like Vibeline, you might want to play some soft R&B music in the background. If you’re calling a more adult oriented chatline like RedHot, then you should make your message a bit more risqué. Just utilize common sense, and your greeting is sure to catch people’s attention.
Think Twice Before Spending
Almost all dating chatlines have the option of purchasing credits or more talk time. However, it’s important to utilize the free trial to make sure the service is right for you. If you’re not getting a warm welcome from the existing users, then you should consider calling a different line. You should only purchase a subscription when you have lots of unheard messages or you’ve chatted with someone worthwhile. Remember that these sites are quite common, and you always have the option of searching somewhere else. Remember that the chatline also serves as a virtual community, and it shouldn’t take long to find out how well you get along with the others.
Respect the Wishes of Others
There will be other people on the line who have described exactly what it is they’re looking for. If a member says he or she wants to meet someone 23 years of age or younger, you should respect that. Some people may prefer to date a particular race or even someone with blond hair and blue eyes. Some women will only want to talk to men who are at least 6’1″. Some men may only ant to talk to women that are bi-curious. There’s no need to waste your time messaging someone who has requested 6 pack abs of you know you have a keg.
Exercise Caution on Meet and Greets
The first time you meet with someone from a chatline, you should met in a well lit area with lots of people. A mall is a great place to meet someone for the first time as is a restaurant. It might be better to exchange phone numbers with the person first so that you can send each other picture messages. There’s no need to go meet someone to whom you’re not attracted if you can avoid it. Refer to our phone dating safety guidelines and always use common sense.