The Origins of Phone Sex [Video Parody]

Needless to say, phone sex isn’t what it used to be. In “The Origins of Phone Sex”, a video parody produced by KYS Realm for The Elements Club, we can see how two classic British characters, namely, Lord Sebastian Longberry (Richard Halverson) and Lord Edward Gelson (Matt Musgrove) try to implement what it seems newly invented pick-up-artist techniques with female telephone operators. Yep, the multi-million dollar phone sex services didn’t exist back then so it took more than a few dollars to start a hot conversation with an “accommodating lady”.
Lord Longberry, the self-proclaimed “Master” of phone line seduction gives us a few tips on how to hook up with a telephone operator. First, don’t be boring. Second, don’t give up. And third, make sure that you actually want to have phone sex in case you actually succeed at your endeavor. If your manners and “core values” are against it you will end up sabotaging the whole move!
Check it out below and let us know your reaction on the comments below: