Banned Phone Sex Film from Prohibition Era [Parody]

Blacklisted and then lost for more than 80 years, this silent film depicts a young couple having naughty phone sex during the prohibition era was recently discovered.
Back then, having phone sex was considered an act of indecency by the federal government, a crime which was punishable with up to $50,000 in 1932 dollar fines. The 4-minute short was supposedly banned by President Herbert Hoover in 1932 and haven’t been released until now.
The young couple in the video is trying to spice up their sex life and keep it intimate despite the fact that they are not quite so close physically. The guy doesn’t know exactly what to do, because like many young men of the era, he is a little inexperienced it the art of of seduction.
Like many young men he turns to trusty, reliable internet porn for inspiration. Unfortunately for the guy in the video, the Internet of 1932 was not as reliable in as it is today. His video starts to buffer because he loses his internet connection. Hilarity ensues as he tries to keep his lady satisfied and fix his internet connection problems at the same time. This historic phone sex silent film parody is a hilarious reminder that times haven’t changed all that much.