Sex Chat with Pappu and Papa Answers Question People Have About Sex But Are Too Afraid To Ask

Sexual issues are not discussed nearly as much as they should. In most cases, the internet serves as a good substitute for information. However, we can’t count on the internet to pick the right thing to show to kids. Sex Chat with Pappu and Papa is a web series that seeks to bridge the gap and talk about taboo subjects in a comfortable, appropriate and most importantly informative manner.
Sex Chat with Pappu and Papa is a new web series about a seven-year-old boy who, due to his inquisitive nature, asks his father about different sexual issues often in a manner that leaves the father at a loss for words. The father may respond in an awkward manner at first but then finds a clever way of explaining things to the young boy in ways he can understand. In the first webisode, Pappu asks about masturbation. The harmless question stems from curiosity about something the boy has clearly heard or read about before. The father proceeds to demystify things using a game of cricket as the grandfather listens in always pointing out what should and shouldn’t be said.
The series, which will air in 5 parts, is the creation of Yash Raj Films under Y-Films, a part of the Indian film production giant created to cater to the younger audience. The project is directed by Ashish Patil, head of business and creative at the film company.
The series was written by Gopal Datt and Devang Kakkad whose combined talents have found them a sweet spot between being preachy and too forthright. Humor helps to close down the generational gap between father and son as they seek to find level ground about topics that would otherwise be awkward to talk about around the house.
The series is set to be translated into 15 languages 6 of which are Indian. Translation will be done in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada and Bengali. As for the international viewership, the series will have subtitles for Chinese, Dutch, English, French, Spanish, German, Thai, Malay and Bahasa. The producers of the show thought it a good idea to make the series available to as many people around the globe as possible.
Sex Chat with Papu and Papa is a story that revolves around the Watsa family. It stars Anand Tiwari as the father (Anand Watsa), Kabir Sajid as the son (Pappu) and the seasoned veteran Sachin Pilgaonkar as the grandfather Vishwanath Watsa.
While the series portrays the father as willing to answer any questions the son has, the grandfather, on the other hand, would rather not talk about such things with children. His take on the whole matter is that the boy shut’s up, and the father ceases to indulge such questions. He is always checking that the father doesn’t give away too much. As the show progresses, he’s perspective changes as he too learns from the father. Sanjeeda Shaikh also features in the series as Pappu’s heavily pregnant mother, Shireen. Usha Watsa, whose role is played by Alka Amin, is Pappu’s enlightened grandmother. She is well read and will not hesitate to dispel any false logic about sex.
The series is backed with plenty of research from top gynecologists and other medical experts
The choice of surname for the fictional family cannot go unnoticed. Mahinder Watsa, the renowned sexologist, must have been in the minds of the creators of the show. Watsa is known for his outspoken nature of all things to do with sexual education. Through his tabloid in the Mumbai Mirror, the sexologist uses a comical yet to the point approach to debunk all sorts of myths about sex. The similarity of surname is sure going to endear some Watsa fans to the series.
Matters to do with sexuality are not the most popular topics in the Indian populace. The Indian social set up is rooted in conservativeness thus fostering ignorance on many sexual issues. It is a common thing to look around the back pages of news papers and magazines and find 40 year old men curious to know if masturbation will bring about baldness or blindness. In a society that is closed out to such discussions, a series like “Sex Chat with Pappu and Papa” is a great ice breaker. Parents get to pick tidbits of advice from the series and also have it easy as it does all the explaining for them.
In a society that is closed out to such discussions, a series like “Sex Chat with Pappu and Papa” is a great ice breaker.
Y-Films have a plan laid out that will see to it that the sex chat web series is a financial success. It intends to monetize the series through sponsorship deals as well as YouTube advertising. Sales to other platforms that will show the 5 part series overseas will also boost the earnings. According to the director, Ashish Patil, the series could go into mainstream viewing and air on TV abroad. The main sponsor for the series is the condom brand Durex and Ching’s Desi Chinese comes in as the associate sponsor.
The media that Y-Films chose to deliver their message couldn’t be better, given that everyone is on the internet looking up this or the other thing. The younger viewers will especially enjoy it as it takes into consideration their love for the internet.
Apart from making the right choice of medium the series is backed with plenty of research from top gynecologists and other medical experts. Thorough research was key to getting the whole series to gel together. The more they had the more they could do.
Sex Chat with Pappu and Papa is yet another of Y-Films ambitious efforts to push boundaries. The production company has cultivated a reputation for tackling taboo subjects and giving it straight to the audience. Y- Films has had other projects of this kind the most recent one being “Ladies Room.” The web series also had sexual themes showing two ladies who were best friends who want to have sex but do not want to end up pregnant.It is these kinds of thrills that make this one worth a watch.