Chat on the Cheap: How To Save The Most Money on Chatlines

Phone chat lines gives you the opportunity to spice things up in your dating life, nonetheless, this doesn’t have to be an expensive affair. Following theses tips will help you save money on chat lines.
Maximize your free trials
Many chat lines offer free trials to new users. The first phone call is free, and if you are lucky enough you might establish a solid connection with the person of your dreams just within those 30 minutes or so. Many chat lines are free for women. The ladies are usually open to steering the conversation to any direction so if you are a man you should get straight to the point.
Also, consider calling from different phones to get the most out of free trials; use your cell phone your home phone or borrow somebody else’s phone. How is that helpful? A free trial is only applicable to the phone number you call in from. Using a new phone means that you will still get treated as a first timer; that means more free minutes.
Buy the right packages
Most chat line companies have rates that favor big spenders. Fewer minutes are expensive while more minutes are cheaper. To save money and enjoy long chats, purchase your minutes in bulk. This way you get the best deal possible; more minutes for less money. Nevertheless, it is essential that you check the expiration date of the minutes, so that you can use them all when you can.
Go private
The purpose of a chat line is to enable and facilitate the meeting of like-minded people, and not building relationships. If you meet someone that you like, there is no need to keep using the chat line. To save money, gets his or her number and talk elsewhere, or go on an actual date.
This way you will be able to nurture the relationship without incurring levies associated with chat lines. Alternatively, once you meet the man or woman of your dreams you can resort to text messages. For most chat lines, sending and receiving text messages is free.
Block people you are not interested in
Many chat lines require you to browse and listen to many voice ads before you can get to talk to someone. It is costly to listen to other people’s greetings. For that reason, you might want to consider blocking unwanted callers so that you don’t listen to their voice ads. But do this only if you are sure you will never want to hear from those people again.
Call different chat lines
Using multiple chat lines has the potential to reduce your overall costs. For starters, you will be able to enjoy each chat line’s free trial. More so, many chat lines offer favorable discounts on their packages to first-time buyers. To make use of these opportunities, cast your net wide by signing up for different chat lines and purchase different packages.
Every chat line has its own pool of callers and so you will be interacting with more people at the same time. This means that it won’t take long for you to find that person that makes your blood rush.
Here is a list of top chatlines along with their free trial information.
Call a free chat line
Tight on a budget? Free chat lines should be the way to go. They offer the same experience as premium ones. You can have a fun and meaningful conversation with different people looking to connect. Free chat lines don’t charge a single cent for the facilitation, and they give you an opportunity to sample through different profiles to find the man or woman of your dreams.
The only downside to this is that you might not get exposed to many active callers as in premium chat lines. Normal phone rates apply, depending on your operator.
Use toll-free access numbers
Phone dating can be exciting and affordable if you call the toll free numbers in chat lines. The experience is just as fascinating is with premium chat lines. All you have to do is find the chat line that offers local and toll-free numbers. You don’t need to sign up with a credit card, everything is free.
The chat line company benefits by increasing their brand exposure. Watch out for new chat line companies in the market, toll-free numbers is a strategy they use to break into new markets. However, remember to check with your carrier in order to avoid long distance and international charges.
Talk to support
Chat lines promise a flawless, fun and discreet experience. However, things might turn out differently for users. If something happens that prevents you from having the promised experience, feel free to contact support and tell them all about it. Every chat line company provides a number you can call to speak to a human being customer support agent. If you are lucky, they might agree to refill your account.
Use the offline features
If your chat line has an offline feature that allows you to receive and hear messages without dialing in, don’t ignore it. This feature is a great way to connect, you can leave someone you like a message anytime. The person will be notified of your message the next time they dial in. You can then call them when rates are favorable.
Check for special discounts
Just like with any other business, you can expect great discounts on special days when it comes to chat lines. Check your chat line company to see what deals they have for Valentine’s Day and Thanksgiving among other holidays. These offers will enable to chat on the cheap and still make connections that might be life-changing.
Women should make use of free accounts
Women get to enjoy free and limitless accounts on most chat lines. If you are a woman, make use of this and subscribe to the best chat lines to find meaningful relationships. As for men, here is the deal; never call pretending that you are a woman.
Free accounts for women are only applicable to heterosexual relationships. You won’t be connected to a woman if you are a man calling pretending to be a woman. Plus, you might get banned for such behavior. Same applies to gay men; try calling a gay chat line if you are seeking to get connected to men.
The methods above will help you save on costs in chat line minutes. Combine some or all of the mentioned techniques to enjoy cheap yet impactful connections with the man or woman of your dreams.