Former PSO Remembers Weirdest Phone Sex Calls

As a phone sex operator, I had the opportunity to do what I loved. I had never tried it before, but I had heard my friends talk about it, and it seemed exciting. When an opportunity presented itself, I knew this was what I wanted to do. I did not hesitate to apply since the requirements that they were asking for were easy to get. After two weeks, I was called by a lady saying that I had got the opportunity. The interview happened over the phone. She asked several questions about my availability, which other languages I was familiar with, whether I was able to talk in any other accents and how many hours I’d be available per week. We also talked about the pay, and once we settled everything, I was good to start. I started the following day at night.
Some of the weirdest calls that I encountered during my career as a PSO
Well, you would think that the reason why someone would make such a call is when they want something sexually arousing and satisfying. But this is not always the case. There are those who are not one bit interested in sex. For example, there was one guy who just wanted to talk about getting his hair cut and the moment he sensed that the conversation was turning to be sexual, he would often get offended. This conversation would go on for long and several times in a week. This got annoying with time till I had to come up with an outline of how I will go about the conversation without repeating myself or hurting the poor guy. Eventually, he became my favorite, piece of cake. I could even talk to him while I was doing something else.
There are also men who like to play the role of the woman. In this case, the man wanted to act as a lesbian and me being his mother. This was creepy at first, and I was not good at it at all since I am very straight, if you know what I mean. But after doing some little research on how lesbians operate, I realized it was not all that different from what normal couples do. So when the clients called later, I was better prepared, and I could tell that by the end of the conversation, he was a happy man. I could tell that the line between reality and fantasy to him was thin, but that was up to him, I guess.
One guy, I remember who made my work time with him easy and fun was deaf. So we used to text for hours, and he was nice I often wondered why he would not just get a girl in life. He often asked about my day, my family and at one time he even got my child a present and a generous end of year tip. At times I felt sorry for him. We were already great friends, yet we had not even met face to face. This made me sad for him, but happy on the other hand since he made my work so much easier, which made me happy.
There are those guys who are just out to talk about the troubles in their lives, nothing about sex. They would pour out their heart to me, and I offered a listening ear. Well at least they did not want me to do anything weird, listening was not much of a big deal. But wait till the next time he called and I had forgotten some of the things he had said the last time, and then all hell would break loose. He would get so mad that I learn to write down everything he said so that I would not forget it the next time he called. He seemed stressed, and I guess he was just trying to look for somewhere to vent out his frustrations, but I made sure that was not with me.
Foot fetish guys would also call. All he wanted was to see my legs, and that would give him the satisfaction he needed. He wanted to see my legs when I am wearing sandals up to the thighs level. He would also ask to see me make some sexy movements, and he would seem to be happy.
However, there was one guy who scared me to death. He wanted to harm me over the phone because the things he wanted me to do were just plain crazy. This particular guy wanted me to pour vodka up my rectum which would potentially cause serious harm to me. The man was happy at the idea. I had to hang up since I could not take it anymore. The company was very understanding in this case, and they let it go.
Another one that got me thinking about my little girl was a guy who wanted me to act like a little 10-year-old child that he was having relations with. He was never interested with any adult, just children. This one was the most challenging since each time I acted like a child, my child would come into my mind. It was weird and tough at the same time, am just glad the call would last just a few minutes.
The guys who are crazy about gagging and vomiting often left me drained. By the end of the conversation I would end up feeling nauseated and my throat in pain. I would go straight to be after this caller.
I was not surprised when one guy called and wanted a lady with big boobs. But what caught my attention was how big he wanted them. He never seemed to get enough of what he could see; he just wanted me to stuff them more and more. It was hilarious looking at myself and what turned him on.
With time I got to learned that this is the kind of job, that takes resilience. Here I had to forget personal values, be able to have explicit sexual discussions and even at times go beyond what you think is not right. I cannot imagine the reaction my parents would have if they realized that I was into this kind of job, so I guess I will just have to keep that from them for now. Those who are afraid of taking on this kind of job can consider texting. There are those who want just to chat through texts for hours, and this will be easy for you. This is the opportunity for guys too.
The amount I make as a phone sex operator is very encouraging. I am thinking of joining video chats since the pay is better than this one. Well, I would have to wear what I say I am wearing, but I think it will be fun for me. The fact that those who are not affiliated with any company make a lot more is quite encouraging. Well, this I will have to think about it in the future, right now I am just not ready to start chasing after clients who refuse to pay for the services, but it is something that is defiantly worth trying.