Are Chat Lines Losing Market Share To Dating Apps?
In the graph below, you can see that interest for the term “chatlines” have been reducing the peak in 2005. This might have to do with the introduction of dating apps to the market. A quick query on Google trends reveals some interesting information about the phone chat industry.
If we drill down to only the Unites States, we can see a much slower decline.
Searching for “dating apps” on Google Trends, we can see a huge surge in interest.
It is evident that dating chatlines are loosing market share to online dating apps. If we drill down into some big data, we can find where the major interest for chatlines reside. Drilling down further down on google trends, reveals the most active state. If you live in one of the top cities, you probably have a better experience when calling a chatline.
But state doesn’t not give enough information as phone chat line are local in nature. If we change our view, we can notice the metropolitan areas in the US that are most interested in chat lines.
This information, although useful, it is not very statistically relevant as many people call chatlines after watching a TV commercial, without searching online. Using data directly from the chatline companies, we can see a map of calls generated in a 48 hour period. As you can see from the heat map below, most chatline calls are generated from the east and west coast.
Yes. Dating chatlines are loosing market share to dating apps and sex cams. However, chat lines offer some unique features that dating apps dont. In spite of the rise of online dating and dating apps, the phone dating industry is likely to remain strong for the long term.