9 Fun and Flirty Pick Up Lines to Try Over the Phone
About 48% of 18-29-year-olds have used a dating app or site to meet potential partners or find someone new to become friends with. More than half (54%) of Americans say that relationships that began on dating sites are just as successful as those that don’t. Testing out a phone chat line is a great way to determine if online/over-the-phone dating is right for you.
Phone chats are a great way to test out some new pick up lines and get to know someone before having to commit to anything more serious such as a video call or in-person date. Phone dating gives you the time you need to get to know someone for who they are.
If you’re preparing for your first date on the phone line, then continue reading below. Here are several of the best pick up lines to make your phone chat funny and flirty!
1. Do You Like Star Wars? Because Yoda Only One For Me
There’s no denying that Star Wars has quickly become one of the top watched movies and shows in the past couple of years. This can all be thanks to the creation of the well-known Baby Yoda. Who doesn’t love this cute character?
If you’re a Star Wars fan, then this pick up line is a great way to learn if you and the other person have some things in common all while hopefully bringing a smile to their face.
2. Here I Am. What Are Your Other Two Wishes?
Proceed to this next pick up line with caution. It’s cute, flirty, and shows some confidence. However, they might expect you to grant them their next two wishes.
After all, you did ask for them. There’s no telling what their other two wishes might be so be prepared and have fun with this one!
3. I Was Feeling Off Today, But You’ve Turned Me on Again
Everyone has an off day here and there. You’re no stranger to this feeling. Maybe you had a long day at work or something’s been weighing on your mind.
All of those worries seem to come to an end when you get to chat with them. Suddenly all you can think about are all of the things the two of you will discuss and do together on the phone!
4. I’m Not an Organ Donor, But I’d Give You My Heart
If you’re not already on the donor list, then now might be the time to make some changes to your status. You’ve found someone you’d willingly give your heart to. Let’s hope they accept!
Although, with this silly and cute pick up line in your back pocket, they’ll be sure to take your heart and handle it with care!
5. I Lost My Library Card, But Can I Check You Out Anyway?
One of the most difficult things about chatting over the phone is not getting to see someone’s face. This is a good thing when first starting out. It prevents either person from judging the other based on looks.
You can spend time getting to know one another for who each person truly is before ever seeing them. However, as things progress, there might come a time when both of you are ready to see one another over video chat and eventually in person. This pick up line is a great way to make them laugh while requesting a video call.
6. You’re So Cute, You Made Me Forget My Pickup Line
Phone dating can be a bit intimidating at first like any other type of first date. As time goes on, though, you’ll become more comfortable and confident in your chats and conversations. If you do find yourself stumbling over what to say or forgetting what you wanted to say, then take a deep breath and use this pick up line!
They’ll never even know you were feeling a bit nervous and forgot what to say. They’ll think you’re a smooth talker that’s quick on your feet!
7. I’m Not a Photographer, But I Can Picture Us Together
Influencers and online modeling have become a large industry in recent years. Professional photographers are constantly booking models and posting their work on various platforms. You might not be a professional photographer, but you can still make your person laugh with this great line.
It’s sure to bring a smile to their face and might even spark up a more intriguing conversation as well.
8. You Must Be Tired Because You’ve Been Running Through My Mind All Day
After chatting with a few people, you may find that one person who you seem to connect with more so than the others. Over time, you and this person may enjoy several great phone chats. Now, you find yourself constantly thinking about them.
This line is a great way to let them know they’ve been on your mind while still keeping things light.
9. Do You Know CPR? Because You’re Taking My Breath Away
When you’re loving the conversation but aren’t sure what to say next or are having trouble holding the conversation, pull this line out! Make sure they know that you’re thinking so much about how awesome they are that you don’t have the words for it.
This line could also help keep the conversation going and help you feel more relaxed as well.
Try These Pick Up Lines During Your Next Phone Chat
Dating in today’s generation is a bit more challenging and difficult than it was in the past. Today, there are many dating platforms and apps available for those looking for a variety of things. If you haven’t tried phone dating, then now is the time to see what the hype is all about!
Keep these funny and flirtatious pick up lines handy and visit The Chatline Guide to see what chatline categories you might be interested in. We offer some of the top phone dating chat lines and look forward to helping you find the right chat for your needs.
Get started today!