Hypersexual disorder has recently been added to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and is an important topic of discussion regarding phone sex and phone dating. Chat line use is not directly correlated with hypersexual disorder but frequent users may have symptoms. There are other signs and symptoms and every person affected has different triggers, or things that cause them to think about or engage in sexual thoughts or behaviors.
What is Hypersexual Disorder?
Also called sex addiction, hypersexual disorders is characterized by the want and need for sexual satisfaction. People affected by this disorder may try to stop the acts they engage in but often fail repeatedly, just as an alcoholic would. The addiction can gradually get worse and lead to riskier sexual thoughts and behaviors. One night stands are a common outlet in addition to online pornography, adult magazines, or phone sex hotlines. A crucial aspect in making a diagnosis is that the individual spends a large amount of time consumed by the fantasies, actions, and behaviors that are associated with the disorder. Frequent callers to sex hotlines or dirty talk chatrooms are often at high risk for hypersexual disorder and most individuals have this disorder without being consciously aware of it.
Types of Hypersexuality
Medical professionals are unsure about the existence of different types of hypersexual disorder. For the most part, all individuals with the disorder share similar characteristics regarding excessive time consumption by the activities and fantasies they create. Since each person is unique, there are a wide varieties of ways that the individual can fulfill their desire and most have a favorite source for excitement. Phone sex is a common choice for many people who are hypersexual. They are given the ability to randomly connect with another person and talk about their fantasies as much as they like. Not only does this facilitate the disorder but it progressively makes it worse.
Other signs of Hypersexual Disorder
A common theme among those who have identified themselves as having hypersexual disorder is the multiple failed attempts to quit. Consider an alcoholic who becomes clean only to relapse. This is exactly what happens with sex addiction, especially when triggers are involved. The individual will try to abstain only to see or hear or imagine something that makes them crave the “high” or euphoric sensation. After succumbing to this, they will commit adulterous acts or submit to their fantasies and urges and often repeat the cycle the very next day. For those curious about the signs and symptoms of sex addiction and hypersexual disorder, you can visit this link to take a test or this one to answer a survey which compares your results to sex addicts’ results.
Many people around the world are affected by this disorder It can be treated with a twelve step program similar to Alcoholics Anonymous There are 20 identified categories that are considered sexual behaviors. Monitor phone sex and dirty talk hotline use as it may contribute to sexual disorders